Breaking News On Campus: Gifty Yankson Is Dead -2009/2010 Level 100B Student, MT Annex and Boccorh

Gifty Yankson’s death is caused by a motor accident.
You can write your condolences messages in the comments section + story of her life on campus + what you know about her.

Happy Good Friday

Happy Good Friday to all Govconians. Today marks a special day on the christians calendar. It’s Good Friday, a day that commemorates the death of Jesus Christ. Christ died for our sins and we must celebrate His death by forgiving people who offended us and those that would offend us in the future.

Mama Ruby Is Dead

The Govco community woke up on the morning of wednesday 24th March 2010 just to be hit with the news of the sudden death of the Senior House Mistress. Mama Ruby- (the name the students affectionately called her) was doing fine on tuesday, a day before the shocking news of her death. She also taught in class on that Tuesday, so nobody believe such a shocking thing could have happened. At about 8:30 PM in the evening of Tuesday, 23rd March 2010, Mama Ruby collapsed at her bungalow and was rushed to the Peki Gov’t Hospital where she later died. The cause of her sudden death is attributed to some health problems related to her heart and blood pressure.